
更新时间:2022-04-10 19:03:11作者:佚名


会员:疯子太 原创

Jim Raynor was a Confederate marshal on Mar Sara at the time of the first zerg incursions on that world. Despite bravely fighting the alien aggressors and saving many lives, he was arrested by Confederacy forces on the pretext of destroying Confederate property at Backwater Station. When he was subsequently liberated by Arcturus Mengsks Sons of Korhal, an anti-Confederate revolutionary group, Raynor chose to fight alongside them.

Jim Raynor在第一次虫族(zerg)入侵世界的时候,是一位Mar Sara行星上的联邦军官。尽管他与异星侵略者进行战斗并解救了无数生命,却因为破坏了联邦的财产——位于死水站的联邦指挥中心,而被联邦军队以此名义逮捕。当他后来被Arcturus Mengsk的Korhal之子解救时,他便决定跟随Korhal一起反抗联邦军。

Mengsks hunger for power and his growing lack of scruples soon began to trouble Raynor. Eventually Mengsks betrayal of his own lieutenant Sarah Kerrigan and his ruthless manipulation of the zerg to attack Confederacy-held worlds showed Raynor that Mengsk was no better than the oppressors he sought to overthrow. Raynor led a revolt within the ranks of the Sons of Korhal and seized Mengsks personal flagship, the Hyperion, and a small fleet of ships. While attempting to rescue Kerrigan from the zerg planet Char, Raynor encountered protoss there and gained the respect of the valiant Executor Tassadar. Raynors bluff honesty enabled him to forge a bond between Tassadar and the dark templar Zeratul.

Mengsk对于权力的欲望以及他的猜疑和顾忌的日益增长,逐渐让Raynor感觉困扰。最终,Mengsk对他副官Sarah Kerrigan的背叛以及虫族对联邦军占据地的攻击所采取的无情做法,让Raynor认识到Mengsk与那些压迫者如出一辙。随后,Raynor在Korhal之子等一干人等的帮助下发动了判断并占领了Mengsk的旗舰——Hyperion以及总数不多的舰队。当他尝试从虫族的Char行星中解救Kerrigan时,Raynor遇到了神族(protoss)并且赢得了勇敢的执行官Tassadar的青睐。而他坦率的忠诚让他和Tassadar以及黑暗圣堂武士Zeratul之间产生了羁绊。

Raynor and his troops went on to fight alongside the protoss in several campaigns and played a key role in battling the United Earth Directorate incursion that followed. A twist of fate found Raynor temporarily allied with Arcturus Mengsk and the Queen of Blades, the being reforged from Sarah Kerrigan by the zerg Overmind. Although these two tyrants fought against a common foe, it was only a matter of time until their tenuous alliance collapsed. In the end Kerrigan was the one who turned against her erstwhile allies and struck the first blow, and many of Jim Raynors comrades died to her treachery.

 Raynor和他的部队随后与神族一同作战,并且在UED(地球联合,United Earth Directorate)的入侵时发挥了关键的作用。而命运的玩弄也让Raynor和Arcturus Mengsk以及Blades皇后(也就是被虫族感染后的Sarah Kerrigan)结成了同盟。虽然这两个残暴的人一直都在对抗着普通的对手,而他们之间的同盟的瓦解。最终,Kerrigan首先背叛了她的盟友并发动了攻击,而Jim Raynor的却惨死于她的背叛。

Raynor escaped the massacre and vowed to have vengeance at some day in the future. Even so, against the full strength of the zerg Swarm and the vast psionic powers of the Queen of Blades, his chances seemed slender at best. Eventually, exhausted and disillusioned, Raynor returned to terran space to lead a resistance movement against the spreading power of Arcturus Mengsks Terran Dominion. Over the years this fight hasnt gone well. Arcturus Mengsk has used his greatest weapons – oratory, the media, and propaganda – to marginalize Raynors efforts.

Raynor幸运的逃离了这场残杀,并且发誓将来一定要复仇。即便如此,与具有庞大实力的虫族部队以及Blades皇后那强大的超能力对抗,他的胜率也是微乎其微。在最终的筋疲力尽和幻想破灭后,Raynor回到了人族(terran)世界并对蔓延的Arcturus Mengsk的通知发起了反抗运动。而随后几年的时间里,他的反抗斗争进行的并非那么顺利。Arcturus Mengsk动用了他庞大的攻势——演讲、新闻媒体以及宣传活动将Raynor的努力逐渐淡化。

Raynors Raiders remain public enemy number one to the powerful Terran Dominion. Mengsk sees Raynors continuing existence as a challenge to his authority. However, Mengsk is also wary of creating a martyr by having Raynor assassinated, and so he has taken steps to keep Raynor and his followers constantly hunted and harried and deny them any chance to gain a respite and build their strength.


Years of skirmishing with the inexhaustible resources of the Dominion has whittled down Raynors forces to a shadow of their former selves. Raynor has had to resort to occasional mercenary work just to garner enough funds to repair and rearm in the short term. Keeping his outfit running means that additional mercenary jobs will likely be needed in the future. Freedom isnt free.


Today Raynor seems to be losing faith: hes drinking heavily and blames himself for Kerrigans being taken by the zerg. His hatred for Arcturus Mengsk has become a festering wound. Raynors first officer, Matt Horner, still believes in him and in the revolution even though some of Raynors doubts are spreading to his crew. Horner has done a lot to keep things going over the years, always having faith that Raynors innate heroism will resurface and lead the rebels to victory.

今天,Raynor似乎失去了往日的信念:他嗜酒度日,时常因为Kerrigan被虫族控制而谴责自己。而他对于Acrturus Mengsk的仇恨也成为了他身上“恶化的伤口”。Raynor的第一长官Matt Horner仍然坚信着他,尽管Raynor的疑虑正在他的部队中蔓延。Horner在这些年努力让事情可以顺利的进行下去,同时也相信Raynor那天生的英勇气概将会重现,并且带领大家走向胜利。

Raynor is a good leader and an excellent tactician although he lacks any formal training or background. He has learned his skills through experience, and so he is unfettered by preconceived notions of what "the book" says is the right or wrong approach. Raynor will seldom plan things out in very much depth, but he has an excellent ability to improvise and turn the tables in a situation by using whatever he has at hand.


Raynor is also a man with a past. He is a known associate of notorious convict Tychus Findlay, the pair of them having served together in the 321st Colonial Rangers Battalion "Heavens Devils" during the Confederacy/Kel-Morian Guild Wars almost twenty years ago. Their first meeting was in the brig at Camp McIntyre while serving 30 days apiece for insubordination.

Raynor同样是一个有着过去的男人。传闻中他也和臭名昭著的罪犯Tychus Findlay有关系,而他们两人也曾经在20多年前的联邦Kel-Morian的公会战争中,服役于第321殖民地突击队“天堂恶魔”。

Both men were listed as missing in action for almost nine months after a reconnaissance mission into Kel-Morian territory in the latter stages of the fighting on Mar Sara. Findlay was later turned over to the Confederacy by the Kel-Morians as part of a prisoner exchange after hostilities ceased. He was promptly incarcerated for desertion under fire. Exactly how Raynor managed to avoid Findlays fate and land a job as marshal is unknown.

两个男人也被列于战俘及作战中失踪人员名单之中长达九个月,而事情则发生在Mar Sara行星的战斗时,对Kel-Morian区域所进行的侦察任务中。在停火之后,Findlay被作为战俘交换的一部分,由Kel-Morian送回了联邦军,而又被迅速的投入到了监禁之中。但是,Raynor是如何避免了与Findlay同样的下场转而成为军官却仍然是个迷


