宝可梦探险寻宝全技能招式获得方法 全精灵技能介绍_招式技能介绍

更新时间:2022-04-12 16:01:41作者:佚名

宝可梦探险寻宝全技能招式获得方法 全精灵技能介绍_招式技能介绍







宝可梦探险寻宝全技能招式获得方法 全精灵技能介绍_招式技能介绍








宝可梦探险寻宝全技能招式获得方法 全精灵技能介绍_招式技能介绍




宝可梦探险寻宝全技能招式获得方法 全精灵技能介绍_招式技能介绍


  1 喷射火焰 火 The user continuously breathes out long flames for a while. Deals damage to enemies as long as they remain in the flames. Sometimes burns enemies.

  2 冲浪 水 The user creates a wide wave and charges forward on it. Deals damage to enemies caught in the wave.

  3 打雷 电 The user strikes the area in front of itself with a lightning bolt. Deals damage to nearby enemies. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.

  4 寄生种子 草 The user plants a seed on the ground in front of itself. Enemies in range are gradually damaged. Part of the damage dealt is absorbed to restore the user's HP.

  5 破坏光线 一般 The user stores up power and then fires a tremendous beam at enemies. Deals severe damage to enemies it hits.

  6 火花 火 The user fires sparks in front of itself that split and run in three directions when they hit the ground. Deals damage to enemies they hit. Sometimes burns enemies.

  7 闪焰冲锋 火 The user creates a path of flames in front of itself and charges forward along it. Deals damage to enemies. Sometimes burns enemies.

  8 火焰旋涡 火 The user creates flames all around itself and fires them off in a spiral. Deals damage to enemies they hit. Sometimes burns enemies.

  9 火焰拳 火 The user imbues its fist with the power of flames, and strikes enemies directly in front of it with a burning punch. Deals damage and sometimes burns enemies.

  10 喷烟 火 The user spouts scarlet flames all around itself. Deals damage to enemies around it. Sometimes burns enemies.

  11 鬼火 火 The user drapes itself with sinister flames and attacks enemies directly in front of it. Often burns enemies.

  12 蓄能焰袭 火 The user stores up the power of flames, raising the damage it deals for a while.

  13 泡沫 水 The user fires bubbles in three directions. Deals damage to enemies hit by the bubbles and sometimes lowers their movement speed.

  14 攀瀑 水 The user approaches enemies in front of itself and creates a pillar of water beneath them. This deals damage to enemies it hits.

  15 水炮 水 The user shoots four pillars of water up from the ground and sends them out in front of itself. Deals damage to enemies hit by them.

  16 潮旋 水 The user creates a whirlpool around itself. Deals damage to enemies around the user.

  17 缩入壳中 水 The user withdraws into its hard shell, reducing the amount of damage it takes for a while.

  18 水流环 水 The user envelops itself in a veil made of water, restoring some of its HP.

  19 水流喷射 水 The user charges at enemies in front of itself with tremendous speed, dealing damage to them.

  20 电击 电 After storing up electricity, the user fires it toward enemies in front of itself, dealing damage to them. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.

  21 十万伏特 电 The user discharges tremendous electricity all around itself. Deals damage to enemies around the user. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.

  22 电光 电 The user charges its body with electricity and charges toward enemies in front of itself. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.

  23 雷电拳 电 The user charges its fist with electricity and unleashes a shocking punch on enemies directly in front of itself, sometimes paralyzing them.

  24 充电 电 The user stores up electricity, raising the damage it deals and making it resistant to negative effects for a while.

  25 电气场地 电 The user gathers electrical power beneath itself, raising the damage it deals for a while.

  26 电网 电 The user spreads an electric net out directly in front of itself, lowering the movement speed of enemies hit by it for a while.

  27 飞叶快刀 草 The user launches sharp-edged leaves to slash at enemies, damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.

  28 日光束 草 The user gathers light and unleashes it in front of itself, dealing damage to enemies hit by it.

  29 藤鞭 草 The user strikes enemies in front of itself with whiplike vines. Deals damage to enemies hit by them.

  30 花瓣舞 草 The user spins in place, scattering petals that deal damage to enemies around it.

  31 麻痹粉 草 The user scatters numbing powder directly in front of itself. Often paralyzes enemies hit by it.

  32 蘑菇孢子 草 The user scatters sleep-inducing spores directly in front of itself, often making enemies fall asleep.

  33 超级吸取 草 The user attacks enemies in front of itself, dealing damage to them. Some of the damage dealt is absorbed by the user, restoring its HP.

  34 光合作用 草 The user absorbs light, raising the damage it deals for a while.

  35 冰冻光束 冰 The user fires an icy-cold beam at enemies in front of itself. Deals damage to enemies and sometimes freezes them.

  36 冰柱坠击 冰 The user drops frigid icicles in front of itself. Deals damage to enemies hit by them and sometimes freezes them.

  37 暴风雪 冰 The user moves about while creating a blizzard centered on itself. Deals damage to enemies around the user and sometimes freezes them.

  38 冰冻拳 冰 The user chills its fist and unleashes a freezing punch on enemies directly in front of it. Sometimes freezes enemies.

  39 极光幕 冰 The user cloaks itself in a veil of light, reducing the amount of damage it takes for a while.

  40 冰冻之风 冰 The user sends a freezing gust of chilled air at enemies in front of itself, damaging them. Sometimes lowers enemies' movement speed.

  41 增强拳 格斗 The user delivers a punch with its hard fist to enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. Often raises the amount of damage the user deals.

  42 十字劈 格斗 The user jumps toward enemies in front of itself and smacks them with a two-handed chop, damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.

  43 地狱翻滚 格斗 The user spins toward enemies in front of itself, smashing into them. Deals damage to enemies hit by the user as it whirls around.

  44 飞膝踢 格斗 After charging toward enemies in front of itself, the user jumps up and deals damage with a knee kick. The user also takes recoil damage.

  45 回旋踢 格斗 The user kicks as it spins in place, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.

  46 爆裂拳 格斗 The user punches enemies directly in front of itself with its full, concentrated power. Sometimes confuses enemies.

  47 健美 格斗 The user tenses its muscles to bulk up its body, raising the damage it deals for a while. This also reduces the damage the user takes.

  48 吸取拳 格斗 The user fires a punch at enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. It also absorbs power with its fist, restoring its own HP.

  49 碎岩 格斗 The user unleashes its fury, damaging enemies in a broad area nearby and destroying surrounding trees and rocks.

  50 毒针 毒 The user fires a poisonous stinger at enemies in front of itself. Sometimes poisons enemies hit by it.

  51 污泥炸弹 毒 The user shoots out a glob of sludge that splits open when it hits the ground, damaging surrounding enemies. Sometimes poisons enemies.

  52 浊雾 毒 The user spews poison around itself, damaging enemies. Sometimes poisons enemies.

  53 溶化 毒 The user alters its cellular structure to liquefy itself, reducing the damage it takes for a while.

  54 剧毒 毒 The user sprays a powerful poison around itself, often poisoning enemies hit by it.

  55 毒粉 毒 The user scatters poison powder in front of itself, often poisoning enemies hit by it.

  56 毒液陷阱 毒 The user spews poison in front of itself, sometimes raising the amount of damage enemies take.

  57 掷泥 地面 The user hurls mud in three directions, dealing damage to enemies hit by it. Sometimes reduces their movement speed.

  58 骨头回力镖 地面 The user throws a boomerang made of bone, damaging enemies hit by it.

  59 泥巴炸弹 地面 The user throws a lump of mud in front of itself that splits open when it hits the ground, damaging surrounding enemies and sometimes raising the amount of damage they take.

  60 撒菱 地面 The user scatters spikes in front of itself, damaging enemies that step on them.

  61 地震 地面 The user causes an earthquake that damages surrounding enemies.

  62 挖洞 地面 The user digs a tunnel to travel beneath the feet of enemies in front of itself, then pops out from beneath them to damage them.

  63 集沙 地面 The user gathers sand from beneath itself, restoring a bit of its HP.

  64 啄钻 飞行 The user attacks enemies directly in front of itself with its sharp beak, damaging them.

  65 飞翔 飞行 The user flies toward enemies far in front of itself, then swoops down to deal damage to them.

  66 神鸟猛击 飞行 After flying up and bracing itself, the user charges at enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.

  67 起风 飞行 The user sends an intense gust of wind out in front of itself that whirls around and damages enemies hit by it.

  68 暴风 飞行 The user whips up an intense wind around itself, damaging surrounding enemies and sometimes confusing them.

  69 顺风 飞行 The user creates an intense swirling wind that raises its movement speed for a while.

  70 羽栖 飞行 The user briefly rests its body, restoring a bit of its HP.

  71 燕返 飞行 The user quickly slashes in front of itself twice, dealing damage.

  72 幻象光线 超能力 The user sends peculiar rays of light out in three directions, damaging enemies hit by them. Sometimes confuses enemies.

  73 意念头锤 超能力 The user focuses its willpower to its head, then smashes it into enemies directly in front of itself, dealing damage to enemies hit by it.

  74 精神强念 超能力 The user creates a large, mysterious light and fires it out, dealing damage to enemies hit by it. Sometimes raises the amount of damage they take.

  75 高速移动 超能力 The user relaxes and lightens its body, raising its movement speed for a while.

  76 屏障 超能力 The user throws up a wall around itself, lowering the amount of damage it takes for a while.

  77 催眠术 超能力 The user employs hypnotic suggestion, often making enemies in front of itself fall asleep.

  78 瞬间移动 超能力 The user utilizes its psychic powers to teleport.

  79 精神利刃 超能力 After moving forward, the user deals damage to enemies with blades formed by psychic power. Critical hits land more easily.

  80 光墙 超能力 The user creates a wall of light, making it harder for it to be affected by negative effects for a while.

  81 精神击破 超能力 The user creates a large orb of light in front of itself. The orb then splits into many smaller ones that fly out in all directions, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.

  82 飞弹针 虫 The user shoots three sharp spikes in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.

  83 猛扑 虫 The user lunges toward enemies in front of itself, damaging them.

  84 吐丝 虫 The user spews a sticky thread in three directions, creating nets that will damage enemies and often lower their movement speed.

  85 超级角击 虫 Using its tough and impressive horn, the user rams into enemies in front of itself with no letup, dealing huge damage to them.

  86 愤怒粉 虫 The user scatters a cloud of irritating powder on itself, causing surrounding enemies to target it.

  87 银色旋风 虫 Scales carried by the wind swirl around the user, damaging enemies hit by them. Some or all of the user's stats sometimes rise at random.

  88 吸血 虫 The user drains the blood of enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. Part of the damage dealt is absorbed to restore the user's HP.

  89 急速折返 虫 After attacking surrounding enemies, the user moves back to dodge enemies' counterattacks.

  90 暗影球 幽灵 The user hurls a shadowy blob in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by it. Sometimes raises the amount of damage they take.

  91 舌舔 幽灵 The user licks enemies all around itself with its long tongue, damaging them. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.

  92 奇异之光 幽灵 The user exposes surrounding enemies to a sinister ray, often confusing them.

  93 惊吓 幽灵 The user tries to startle enemies directly in front of itself, damaging those taken by surprise.

  94 龙之俯冲 龙 The user flies into enemies a short distance from itself with great intensity, damaging them.

  95 龙之波动 龙 The user sends a shock wave flying from its mouth, damaging enemies hit by it.

  96 龙爪 龙 The user gathers its strength, then charges forward while spinning, damaging enemies with its sharp claws.

  97 逆鳞 龙 The user rampages about, attacking and damaging any enemies in its path. Sometimes confuses the user.

  98 龙卷风 龙 The user whips up several tornadoes and sends them out in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.

  99 龙之舞 龙 The user vigorously performs a mystic, powerful dance that raises the amount of damage it deals and its movement speed for a while.

  100 流星群 龙 The user summons several meteors down around itself, damaging enemies hit by them. Sometimes reduces the amount of damage the user deals.

  101 咬碎 恶 The user takes aim and then bites on to enemies a short distance in front of itself, damaging them.

  102 暗袭要害 恶 The user dashes forward, slashing surrounding enemies and damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.

  103 突袭 恶 The user briefly disappears and moves a short distance. It then charges toward enemies, damaging them.

  104 诡计 恶 The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts, raising the amount of damage it deals for a while.

  105 吹捧 恶 The user flatters enemies in front of itself, which confuses them but raises the amount of damage they deal and reduces the amount of damage they take.

  106 挑衅 恶 The user taunts surrounding enemies, forcing them to target it.

  107 钢翼 钢 The user charges at enemies in front of itself and smacks them with its hard wings, dealing damage. Sometimes reduces the amount of damage the user takes.

  108 铁尾 钢 The user swings its steel-hard tail, damaging surrounding enemies and sometimes raising the amount of damage they take.

  109 金属爪 钢 The user rakes enemies in front of itself with its steel claws, dealing damage. Sometimes raises the amount of damage the user deals.

  110 铁壁 钢 The user hardens its skin until it's like iron, lowering the damage it takes for a while.

  111 金属音 钢 Enemies near the user are forced to listen to a horrible sound like metal scraping, often raising the amount of damage they take.

  112 加农光炮 钢 The user focuses all of its light energy into a single point and fires a beam in front of itself, sometimes raising the amount of damage enemies take.

  113 魔法闪耀 妖精 The user moves about as it emits a powerful flash that damages enemies hit by it.

  114 吸取之吻 妖精 The user kisses enemies directly in front of itself and damages them. Part of the damage dealt restores the user's HP.

  115 撒娇 妖精 The user makes surrounding enemies less wary with its cute behavior, often reducing the amount of damage they deal.

  116 天使之吻 妖精 The user kisses enemies directly in front of itself with a sweet, angelic kiss that often confuses them.

  117 嬉闹 妖精 The user plays rough with enemies in front of itself, damaging them. Sometimes lowers the damage enemies deal.

  118 抓 一般 The user rakes its hard, pointed claws over enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them.

  119 连续拳 一般 The user unleashes a flurry of punches on enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them.

  120 神速 一般 The user charges into enemies in front of itself with blinding speed, damaging them.

  121 猛撞 一般 The user slams into enemies in front of itself with a reckless, full-body charge, damaging all enemies hit by it. The user also takes recoil damage.

  122 跃起 一般 The user splashes in place.

  123 睡觉 超能力 The user rests in place, greatly restoring its HP.

  124 生蛋 一般 The user restores its HP with the power of eggs.

  125 百万吨重拳 一般 After approaching enemies in front of itself, the user slugs enemies directly in front of itself with a muscle-packed punch, damaging them.

  126 摔打 一般 The user slams nearby enemies with a long tail, vines, or the like, damaging all of them.

  127 看我嘛 一般 The user grabs the attention of surrounding enemies, forcing them to target it.

  128 三重攻击 一般 The user's body is imbued with three powers as it attacks enemies in front of itself, damaging them. Sometimes burns, paralyzes, or freezes enemies.

  129 聚气 一般 The user takes a deep breath and focuses, raising the amount of damage it deals for a while.

  130 变硬 一般 The user stiffens all the muscles in its body, lowering the damage it takes for a while.

  131 踩踏 一般 The user stomps on enemies in front of itself with a big foot, damaging them.

  132 叫声 一般 The user growls in an endearing way, making surrounding enemies less wary and often reducing the amount of damage they deal.

  133 瞪眼 一般 The user glares at nearby enemies to intimidate them, often raising the amount of damage they take.

  134 唱歌 一般 The user sings to enemies around itself with its calming voice, often putting them to sleep.

  135 超音波 一般 The user generates odd sound waves from its body, often confusing surrounding enemies.

  136 自我再生 一般 Restoring its own cells, the user restores its HP.

  137 大爆炸 一般 The user causes a tremendous explosion, dealing huge damage to surrounding enemies. The trade-off is that the user takes enough damage to knock itself out.

  138 替身 一般 The user puts out a substitute for itself that enemies are forced to attack.

  139 吹飞 一般 The user whips up a strong wind around itself, blowing away enemies hit by it.

  140 大字爆炎 火 The user sprays an all-consuming fire on the ground, damaging enemies hit by it and sometimes burning them.

  141 闪光 一般 The user suddenly flashes a bright light at surrounding enemies, often lowering their movement speed.

  142 乱抓 一般 The user repeatedly swipes at enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them.

  143 落石 岩石 The user picks up two rocks and hurls them in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.

  144 滚动 岩石 The user spins around, damaging surrounding enemies it smashes into.

  145 隐形岩 岩石 The user creates pillars of stone from the ground, damaging enemies hit by them.

  146 岩石爆击 岩石 The user hurls hard rocks in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.

  147 岩石打磨 岩石 The user polishes its body to reduce drag, raising its movement speed for a while.

  148 沙暴 岩石 The user creates a sandstorm around itself, damaging enemies hit by it.

  149 岩石封锁 岩石 The user drops boulders directly in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them and sometimes lowering their movement speed.

  150 腹鼓 一般 The user uses its own HP to raise all of its stats for a while.

  151 剑舞 一般 With a frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit, the user raises the amount of damage it deals for a while.

  152 吼叫 一般 The user roars intensely, blowing away surrounding enemies.

  153 瑜伽姿势 超能力 The user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body, raising the amount of damage it deals for a while.

  154 瞬间失忆 超能力 The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns, raising the amount of damage it deals and making it more resistant to negative effects.

  155 热风 火 The user exhales hot breath in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by it and sometimes burning them.

  156 火焰轮 火 The user cloaks itself in fire and charges forward, damaging enemies it hits and sometimes burning them.

  157 伏特攻击 电 After electrifying itself and charging toward enemies, the user jumps and discharges electricity, damaging enemies hit by it and sometimes paralyzing them.

  158 抓狂 一般 The user flails about, damaging enemies it hits.

  159 撞击 一般 The user smashes into enemies in front of itself with all its might, damaging them.

  160 弹跳 飞行 The user bounces forward high into the air twice, damaging enemies it hits.

  161 自我激励 一般 The user is roused, raising the amount of damage it deals and reducing the amount of damage it takes for a while.

  162 自爆 一般 The user approaches enemies and causes an explosion, damaging all surrounding enemies. The trade-off is that the user takes enough damage to knock itself out.

  163 炸蛋 一般 The user scatters eggs around itself, damaging enemies hit by them.

  164 终极冲击 一般 The user focuses every bit of its power and charges toward enemies in front of itself, dealing huge damage to them.

  165 近身战 格斗 The user gets right up on enemies in front of itself and smacks them with a single blow, damaging them. Sometimes raises the amount of damage the user takes.

  166 种子机关枪 草 The user sends several seeds flying out in front of itself simultaneously, damaging enemies hit by them.

  167 变身 一般 When Ditto transforms into another Pokémon, this changes into a move that Pokémon can learn.

宝可梦探险寻宝全技能招式获得方法 全精灵技能介绍_招式技能介绍



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